
SP 멤버십

실제 투자에 활용 가능한 정보를 공유합니다.

$20.84 /1 months
For 1 months from the date of subscription
    Recruiting 23 members
    • Paid posts released for free (549)
    • Direct message pass
    • Membership Badge
    • VIP 멤버십 혜택 모두 포함
    • 리포트 다이제스트 동영상 제공
    • 리포트 다이제스트 보고서 (시장 / 업황 분석 및 코멘트)
    • 내러티브 투자 연구회 참가 자격
    • 책 스터디 그룹 참가 자격
    • 회원 전용 영상 (일부 제공)
    Paid posts released for free

    You can view up to 549 paid content for free during the subscription period.

    Direct message pass

    You can use unlimited direct messages with 자유인awesome during the subscription period!

    Membership Badge

    A badge given only to membership members is displayed on my profile, which is displayed in comments, community posts, etc.

    VIP 멤버십 혜택 모두 포함
    리포트 다이제스트 동영상 제공
    리포트 다이제스트 보고서 (시장 / 업황 분석 및 코멘트)
    내러티브 투자 연구회 참가 자격
    책 스터디 그룹 참가 자격
    회원 전용 영상 (일부 제공)

    Plan introduction

    Terms and conditions

    Plan usage
    • Regular membership plan
      • You can use the plan for the period set by the creator (N months, 1 month = 30 days) from the date of subscription.
      • Plans can be renewed only if the creator does not restrict continuous use.
    • Reward deduction type membership plan
      • You can use the plan from the date of subscription until all configured payment management rewards have been deducted.
      • Plans can be renewed only if the creator does not restrict continuous use.
    • Multiple membership plan
      • You can use the plan from the date of subscription until the end date set by the creator.
    Change plan
    • change immediately
      • Regardless of the remaining usage period of the plan you are currently enrolled in, terminate the plan and immediately change to a new plan.
      • You can receive a refund for your previous payment through the customer center only if you immediately move to a more expensive plan than the plan you are currently signing up for within 7 days from the date of signing up.
    • Reservation change
      • When the period of use of the plan you are currently enrolled in expires, you can change to a new plan.
      • However, if changes become impossible due to reasons such as termination of recruitment before the changed reservation date, the changed reservation will be canceled and renewed to the previous plan.
    Cancel plan
    • You can cancel your membership plan at any time by going to [My > My Membership]. Even if you cancel the plan, you can use it until the last day of the usage period, after which it will be cancelled.
    • Refunds are possible through the customer center within 7 days of signing up for membership. (However, if you have received even some of the membership benefits, no refund is possible.)
      • When membership benefit content is viewed after signing up for membership
      • If you purchase membership-only products such as membership kits
      • When purchasing performance tickets or participating in events provided to membership members
      • When using the direct messaging function provided for membership members
      • If you have enjoyed other membership benefits

    SP 멤버십

    실제 투자에 활용 가능한 정보를 공유합니다.

    $20.84 /1 months
    For 1 months from the date of subscription
      Recruiting 23 members