Membership of 후즈


기사 부숭이

$6.59 / 1 months
  • 19 paid posts available for free
  • Membership Badge
  • 유료 포스트 열람 가능📑
  • 커버곡 선행 감상🎤
  • 미공개 커버곡 감상🔐
  • 투표권💡
  • 멤버십 특전

👑[100명 한정] 귀족 부숭이

$15.84 / 1 months
  • 21 paid posts available for free
  • Membership Badge
  • 웰컴 키트🎉
  • 유료 포스트 열람 가능📑
  • 커버곡 선행 감상🎤
  • 미공개 커버곡 감상🔐
  • 오디오 콘텐츠🎧
  • 투표권💡
  • 멤버십 특전


Paid posts released for free

You can view up to 21 paid content for free during the subscription period.

Membership Badge

A badge given only to membership members is displayed on my profile, which is displayed in comments, community posts, etc.

유료 포스트 열람 가능📑

유료로 설정된 포스트를 열람 가능합니다. 신규 프로젝트 또는 커버송 제작기와 같은 비하인드 스토리가 포함된 일기 형식의 포스트

커버곡 선행 감상🎤

유튜브에 공개될 커버곡을 3~5일 먼저 들어볼 수 있습니다.

미공개 커버곡 감상🔐

유튜브에 공개되지 않은, 그리고 공개되지 않을 커버곡을 들어볼 수 있습니다.


다양한 투표들에 참여할 수 있는 권한입니다.

멤버십 특전

이후 굿즈 판매 또는 온오프라인 이벤트 진행 시 멤버십 가입자들만을 위한 특전을 제공합니다.

웰컴 키트🎉

멤버십 가입 후 1개월 유지시 제공됩니다. 멤버십 카드 + 친필 싸인 포토카드 (굿즈는 변경 될 수 있습니다.)

오디오 콘텐츠🎧

월 1회 랜덤 오디오 콘텐츠를 제공합니다. (벨소리 노래, 알람 소리, 모닝콜 소리 등)

Terms and conditions

Plan usage
  • Regular membership plan
    • You can use the plan for the period set by the creator (N months, 1 month = 30 days) from the date of subscription.
    • Plans can be renewed only if the creator does not restrict continuous use.
  • Reward deduction type membership plan
    • You can use the plan from the date of subscription until all configured payment management rewards have been deducted.
    • Plans can be renewed only if the creator does not restrict continuous use.
  • Multiple membership plan
    • You can use the plan from the date of subscription until the end date set by the creator.
Change plan
  • change immediately
    • Regardless of the remaining usage period of the plan you are currently enrolled in, terminate the plan and immediately change to a new plan.
    • You can receive a refund for your previous payment through the customer center only if you immediately move to a more expensive plan than the plan you are currently signing up for within 7 days from the date of signing up.
  • Reservation changes
    • When the period of use of the plan you are currently enrolled in expires, you can change to a new plan.
    • However, if changes become impossible due to reasons such as termination of recruitment before the changed reservation date, the changed reservation will be canceled and renewed to the previous plan.
Cancel plan
  • You can cancel your membership plan at any time by going to [My > My Membership]. Even if you cancel the plan, you can use it until the last day of the usage period, after which it will be cancelled.
  • Refunds are possible through the customer center within 7 days of signing up for membership. (However, if you have received even some of the membership benefits, no refund is possible.)
    • After signing up for membership, you have viewed membership benefit content, etc.
    • If you purchase membership-only products such as membership kits
    • When purchasing performance tickets or participating in events provided to membership members
    • When using the direct messaging function provided for membership members
    • If you have enjoyed other membership benefits